
If you’re a powerful woman looking to create a sacred, fulfilling life in the modern world we live in – WELCOME!

I’m SO happy you’re here!

I know the desire you have to create a sacred life, right here where you are!

To bring more of the divine into your day-to-day… to work with cyclicality and live by your intutuition!

You want every day to be a walking ritual… from packing the kids lunches to sitting down to meditate to driving to yet another hockey tournament… every moment holy because you deem it so- no meditation pillow necessary!

I also know that you truly want to make more time for purposeful connection to the Universe, but not at the expense of missing out on the life you GET to live with the people you love!

What if I told you, that this can be done? 

You can create a wholly sacred, intentional life that helps you capitalize on ALL that you value…

You can infuse the Divine into everything from the laundry to movie night… from a walk in the woods to Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws.

No flying off to Avalon necessary!

Only YOU have your magick.  Only YOU have the callings of your soul.  Only YOU have your gifts.  

It’s time to create a life that honors ALL of you.  


It’s time to join the True You Temple + 
create your Sacred Life in a Modern World. 


Real Talk:

How would it feel to own that power + create daily/ moon-thly/ seasonal practices to support it? Enhance it?

How would it feel to be a part of a spiritual community with OTHER powerful women who are doing THEIR version of this attunement work?

How would it feel to gather in sisterhood circle+ to know you truly BELONG in this place BECAUSE you are who you magickally are?

To that point… how would it feel to spiritually belong to YOURSELF?


The True You Temple is a community for spiritual women who are ready to put all that they’ve learned into PRACTICE.

It’s for the modern woman who wants to build intentional touchpoints, back to what primally calls + connects us into our souls, into her day

It’s for the busy woman who wants to manifest with each breath + bring ceremony and ritual back into her life

Ceremony, Cyclicality, Community… we as women CRAVE this on a primal level because we know when we gather, work with the rhythm of the earth, the moon, and our heartbeats we create more power collectively than the sum of the individual women across the globe.


In the True You Temple you’ll experience:

  • A virtual New Moon ceremony each month
  • A group coaching call filled with intuitive guidance and sisterhood support each month
  • Sabbat + seasonal festival prep
  • Four (4) Sacred Workshops a year
  • A virtual community of like souled, magickal + modern women
  • + (Bonus) the entire True You School original curriculum including trainings, meditations, workbooks, and journaling prompts
  • + (Bonus) Discounts on select in-person + online experiences

Oh, and this is a LIFETIME program! Once you are in, you are IN + evolving in this sacred container forevermore! 


You deserve this.  You deserve to live a life that highlights how powerful you are AND feels sacred and holy and whole to YOU!

You deserve to have a space where you truly belong… a space that will center you and help you reconnect to your truth so that you can live your most sacred life from the inside out!

We cannot wait to witness, support, and celebrate you… Welcome to the True You Temple!



Q. How much time shall I plan to dedicate to the True You Temple?
A.  The True You Temple is a lifetime program and intended to help you embody who you truly are and practice living a spiritual life- as defined be you!

We will gather together at least twice a month for a New Moon ceremony and a group coaching call.  We need community.  We need to sit in circle.  These touch points will help to satisfy that need as well as give you tools to carry with you each day as you create a Sacred life for yourself!

There will be curriculum, an open community for you to ask questions in/ receive support/ share celebrations… you will be held, sister!

Additionally, there will be four quarterly gatherings to help you sync into the seasonal energy and festival throughout the year!

Q. What is price of the True You Temple?
A. There are three payment plans for the TYTemple to allow for you to best support your budget as well as your personal goals.  Additionally, given this is a lifetime program, once you are in, you are in and will receive the benefit of additional opportunities, tools, and upgrades over time!

Paid in Full is $3,000
6 monthly payments of $500
12 monthly payments of $250

*JOIN BY 2/22 FOR HUGE BONUS SAVINGS – save $1,000!

Paid in Full is $3,000 –> $2,000
6 –> 4 monthly payments of $500

Q. Are there refunds to the program?
A. It is my intention for you to be happy with the True You Temple. Because of the extensive time, effort, access you will receive to the curriculum, coaching support that you’ll be given, preparation and care that goes into creating and/or providing the True You Temple, no refunds will be provided.

Q. What if I can’t make some of the calls or ceremonies live?
A. Each gathering will be recorded so you can access it in a time that works for your sacred life- and I encourage you to make time for it!

On a personal note:

Did you know the Priestess was both the leader of ceremony as well as the leader of commerce at the temple? She was the and.  And I’ve been on a journey to embody the “and” in my life since the begininng of my spiritual awakening.  THIS is why I feel such a deep power pulsing through me every time I think about the True You Temple.  To give women the opportunity to step into the full expression of themselves, as defined by them… to  help them reconnect their heartbeats to the moon and the earth… to create a safe container where we can gather and truly belong… it’s everything to me.  You can live a wholly Sacred Life in this modern world.  You can enjoy all your earthly pleasures AND tap into the ethereal in a heartbeat.  You have gifts that no one else has, and in this space we will honor them as you sync into and amplify them!

The world needs more women accessing their inner Temple and creating, living, and loving from that space.  So I invite you to come into the True You Temple so you can do just that!

xo, Jillian