
Imagine coming into your home and finding a sparkly, almost glowing, cream colored envelop with your name written on it, waiting for you.

As you open the letter excitedly, you have a feeling you know EXACTLY what it is; and, you both savor the moment and excitedly want to tear through the seal as quickly as you can.

You can feel the magic burst out, alongside with the letter within! (You know that’s a reflection of the magic you have inside you!)

You open the letter and it reads, exactly as you KNEW it would, “Congratulations, you’re innately worthy and have been enrolled in the True You School!”



You breathe a sigh of relief and excitement!

Every ounce of your being knows, on a primal level, that you are MEANT to deepen the relationship with your intuition… to feel her, to live by her, and to create the future life based on her guidance…

And it’s FINALLY here!

Welcome to the True You School™!


Soul Sister, is this you?:

-Burnt out from FORCING all the time?
-Tired of making choices to impress someone else, at the expense of yourself?
-Feeling heavy guilt all.the.time. because you tend to focus on what you “should” do?
-OVERWHELMED by all the roles you play, because none of them could possibly encompass all you truly are?
-Spending most of your time distracting, numbing, and busying yourself (and then usually shaming yourself because of it later)?
-You’ve been letting those fear-based, externally-validating, egoic bench marks tally up & determine your value and worth?
-Thinking every single day that, “there’s GOT to be more to life than this…”

I get it, I was you, and it’s not your fault! We’ve been programed to play small, stay quiet, turn off our feelings, and do what makes the “best sense” at the expense of ourselves! 


-You learned how to flow with your intuition?
-You made choices that honored yourself, because that FEELS GOOD?
-You learned how to TRUST YOURSELF? (I know… big deep breath after this one… this is the good stuff! It’s what we all truly want!)
-You truly KNEW yourself and showed up as the magical soul you were BORN to be?
-You really learned how to sit with wonderful, YOU? Like imagine just BEING with your sweet self!!
-You remembered how to FEEL your feelings in a deep, devotional way?
-You were super clear on what feels good and really matters to you?
-You reconnected with the natural flow of the universe, tapped into cyclicality, and stood in the essence of the powerful creatrix you are?
-You stood tall in the truth of who you are, and answered the primal call of your soul and had FUN again!?

I mean, sister… if ANY of this is what you are craving- congratulations, you’ve become aware of EXACTLY what’s available for you in this sweet life!

The True You School™ was made FOR YOU!


A little back story for you as to why this work became my life’s work:

I was the queen of hustle, of constantly striving and sacrificing for external validation.  Though it felt good to get the applause, on the other side, it left me feeling empty, unfulfilled, and that I probably just needed to work HARDER to feel better. UGH!

When I began my spiritual awakening, I became fascinated with uncovering the truth of who I was, and I realized that I had lived my life wearing so many masks to impress so many people, that I really didn’t know where to begin.

I came back to Mother Nature and the natural, cyclical flow of the abundance of the Universe.

I learned that for every wax there’s as wane.  For every ebb there’s a flow.  For every yin there’s a yang… and I was on to something.

I’d been living my life only utilizing half of my super powers!

I was constantly in GO mode, running too fast to connect to the sacred, intuitive side of me… perhaps you can relate? Or maybe for you, it’s the opposite, you’ve been in “wait mode” for so long and instead of busying yourself, you’ve turned to distracting yourself or numbing out (that social media scroll is REAL, right?!)

In any case, what I’ve found for me, and for my Intuitive Life Coaching students and clients, is that we’ve spent too long running from FEELING, living by the rulebook of other people, making decisions based on *their* expectations, and living in a world of what we *should* do.

And sisters, we just can’t do that anymore.

I started getting curious about how I FELT and checking in with myself first, rather than other people, about what I wanted and how I could best support myself.

I started to learn how to TRUST myself!


I KNOW this is what you are craving on a visceral level.
I KNOW that NOT trusting yourself doesn’t seem to be much of an option anymore- you’re tired of abandoning yourself.
I KNOW you’re ready to learn how to uncover the wisdom within you and learn about all things energy and spirituality!

And this is EXACTLY what you will experience in the True YOU School™!

There’s a natural, cyclical, flowy order to the universe…
Just as one moon phase flows into the next, or the seasons effortlessly transition into one another… we too have natural rhythms that are fueled by our feelings and are constantly calling us down the path toward love… toward our soul!


True You School™ Curriculum:

  • Module 1: I’m going to teach you WHAT the Intuition is and how to attune to it, in YOUR OWN PERSONAL, SACRED WAY- as the TRUTH OF YOU!
    • You’ll go deep on witnessing past behaviors and rewiring them to support a more intuitive-led life
    • You’ll learn how to intentionally tap into your intuition
    • You’ll learn how to feel your feels in a supportive way and harness the power within you
    • You’ll learn how to slow down, sync in, believe in yourself, and trust yourself
    • You’ll learn many different tools & practices to support your intuitive journey: breath work, meditation, journaling, creating ritual, working with crystals, oils, cards, etc.

  • Module 2: You’ll learn about Polarity and Finding Natural Flow
    • You will learn about energy how how to work with it, rather than resist or fight against it
    • You’ll learn about activating your Empowered Choice + free will to live intuitively
    • You’ll learn about the Elements of the Universe and how to connect into their energy (this is SO cool)
    • You’ll learn about the layers of YOUR energy and how they connect with the universal elements

  • Module3: We’ll dive into ALL THINGS CYCLICALTY (ooooh this is so exciting!!)
    • You’ll learn about the moon cycle and how the energy in her phases impact you on a cellular & soulular level
    • You’ll learn about the seasonal cycle and all things sabbat celebrations and eternal flow
    • You’ll learn about the zodiac signs and how each of the signs impacts you, so you can support and optimize your intuitive lifestyle
    • You’ll get clear on your sun, moon, and rising astrological signs and how these support intuitive living

  • Module 4: Embodiment and Conscious Participation of the active focal points
    • You’ll learn about the chakra system and how to support your natural energy flow
    • You’ll learn about the goddess archetypes associated with each chakra to deepen the energetic connection you have with the divine
    • You’ll learn about clair senses and how to starting working with intuitive super powers
    • You’ll learn about your Human Design and how to trust your internal navigational system by way of how you are individually wired

  • Module 5: We’re gonna WORK the INNER WORK
    • You’ll learn how to manifest, spell cast, turn prayer into presence… it’s all the same thing, with different energy!
    • You’ll learn how to PLAY and how important incorporating play into your day to day is to living intuitively
    • You’ll connect into celebration, ceremony, and ritual in a meaningful, true-to-your soul way
    • You’re going to turn your life into a walking, talking, intuitively devotional practice (this is the point!)

  • Module 6: You’ll learn how to Live Within Your Wisdom
    • You will become ever present to the primal callings within you
    • You’ll learn about the magic that happens in sisterhood and circles
    • You’ll learn how to live an abundance-focused lifestyle
    • You’ll bring everything you’ve learned together… the chakras, moon phases, sabbats… to help you TRULY know you, trust you, and trust that you are universally held and supported every step of your soul-led path!

The True You School™ was created for you, because honestly girlfriend, I was you and I WOULD HAVE GIVEN EVERYTHING to learn about all of these sacred things in one place, at one time!!!

It took me YEARS and TONS of different resources, trainings, books, experiences, etc. to learn all of this life changing, intuition living *stuff* and it’s ALL AVAILABLE TO YOU IN THE INTUITIVE YOU SCHOOL! (Cue fireworks here!)


True You School™ Logistics:

The True You School™ is a LIFETIME, soul centered, true-self embodying experience to help you uncover your intuition and learn how to trust, love and embody the TRUTH of who you really are again!

And when I say “Lifetime” – I mean, you invest in yourself by way of this program ONCE – and you’re in our sacred sisterhood space FOREVERMORE!

The experience will include:
-modules with video trainings and workbooks
-guided meditations
-a private, sacred container on facebook
-live Q&A sessions
-coaching calls
-training calls

*OF COURSE payment plans are available!

Living intuitively is a natural, soul-centered force that is just as important to you as air… and in the Intuitive You School you will learn how to work with your sacred intuition so that you can live a life of flow, fulfillment, and your truth!



Q. How much time shall I plan to dedicate to the True You School™?
A.  The True You School™ is a lifetime program.  It’s made up of curriculum that is broken down into 6 modules that you can do at your own pace OR you can join us when we actively go through them together, which will happen a couple times each year!

Beyond the curriculum (which includes video trainings, guided meditations, and work books) is our SISTERHOOD!

Group coaching calls, live trainings, and Q & A sessions will take place each month to support you in real time as you ever-evolve into the True You!

The point of this work is to create a life where you are a walking devotional practice with yourself!  So as you are learning and receiving coaching – integration and developing those devotional practices that are sacred to you- that will “take time” but it’s what you’re craving the very most, so it gets to be fun, ease-filled, and supportive in a way you’ve never supported yourself before! You get to meet your needs, sister! Always!

Q. What is the process to applying to be apart of the True You School™?
A. First, you will FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION and it will magically be sent to my inbox where I will review it! If it feels like the True You School™ and I can help you, I will send you an email to schedule am activation call.  On the call we’ll dive deeper, I’ll ask some beautiful questions to really get to know you, see if the school is a good fit + share current pricing, payment options, and logistics!

Q. What is price of the True You School™?
A. The energy and stories we all have around pricing/ investments/ value/ and worth is so personal and individual, and as such, I prefer to allow this conversation to be an intimate and supportive one! Make sure to fill out the application and we will discuss the investment on our call together, along with what you feel primally called to!

Q. Are there refunds to the program?
A. It is my intention for you to be happy with the True You School™. Because of the extensive time, effort, access you will receive to the curriculum, coaching support that you’ll be given, preparation and care that goes into creating and/or providing the Intuitive You School™, no refunds will be provided.


Q. Will your amazing meditations and guided visualizations be a part of the True You School™?
A. You betcha… they are some of my super powers as an Intuitive Life Coach… they are a corner stone to my teachings and truly, part of what separate me and the True You School™ from other programs that are out there (there is NOTHING like the Intuitive You School out there!).  These meditations and visualizations create more intimacy and soulular connection for you and this work, and I’m here for it!

About Jillian Bolanz

Hi Love, I’m Jillian Bolanz, woman, wife, Mumma, daughter, sister, friend, an Intuitive Life Coach and Spiritual Mentor.

AND… while I am so grateful every single day for all those roles I get to play in this sacred life experience, I’m also a soul who is SO devoted to growing, expanding, connecting, uncovering my essence, and standing, embodied in the brilliant light and love that is my true self!

I used to be someone addicted to the hustle, the grind, and the provy, nail all the landings, put everyone else’s expectations first, way of living.

Until I just couldn’t anymore.  Until I KNEW I had to stop abandoning my soul’s path and live a life of flow!

Now, my daily focus is to bring love to the places and spaces it’s never been before.  To interrupt the mundane and mediocre with fun and play.  To do the deep work.  To live a life that is a walking, talking, dancing, snuggling devotional practice with my intuition and the divine source of love within me!

I’m is a guidess of all things cyclicality, moon, sabbats, self-trust, intuition, and True-Self love.  The creator of the True You Live event and various, deeply connective coaching programs (like the True You School™!!), my mission is to help women stop forcing and start flowing in life so that they can uncover the truth of who they really are.  I help women who are doing the inner work, reconnect to their primal intuition and essence through embodying cyclicality and their natural magic by way of my energetically immersive coaching and sisterhood experiences.

I’m here to help you step into the truth of who you really are by way of tapping into cyclicality, trusting your intuition, and embodying the MAGIC that is within YOU!

I’ve been featured on Maine’s NBC news station and multiple podcasts and coaching platforms.  I live, work, & love at home in Maine with my husband, Michael, our their sons, Cameron, Andrew, and Nathan.

Thank you for taking the time to sync into this page, ask and have questions answered, and answering the calling of your SOUL! I am SO EXCITED to get to know you better and welcome you into the True You School™.  Imagine what your life will look like in 3 months when you are THIS connected to yourself, the universe, and your inner essence?! Pure magic, sister!

To the Moon,