October 18, 2017
October 18, 2017


Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? Or the unknown? Or just felt totally stuck on what to do next? It’s like you KNOW there is goodness on the other side but you have zero logical idea on how to get there?

I totally know that feeling and I’m here to tell you that the way to overcome those fears really has nothing to do with logic and everything to do with feeling.  When you put good energy toward that fear and commit to yourself that you will focus on what your heart says rather than what your head says, you will naturally enjoy the process of crushing those fears with a heck ofa lot more ease and empowerment.  

This past weekend I went to Mexico! It was a trip I earned through my Network Marketing business that I love so much- MOSTLY because I get to surround myself with incredible people who are willing to GO THERE with the deep conversations and the willingness to grow.  

On our trip we decided that we would break up the “rough life” of sipping beverages by the pool and playing volleyball on the beach by going on an excursion! And what better way to mix it up but to go ziplinging and waterfall rappelling through the jungle?!

My initial thought was “COOL!”.  I actually love adventure, heights don’t bother me, and I love trying new things.  But let me tell you… when you are standing at the top of a waterfall and you KNOW that the only way out is DOWN (and you’ve never done such a thing before)… thoughts such as “Holy sh*t what was I THINKING” may start to creep in.  

I got to the edge of the water fall and as the guide hooked me up to the line he asked me if I had any questions.  *Insert dumbstruck Jillian standing there, mouth agape, mumbling something like “Umm I don’t, I have no, uhh yes but seriously no because I don’t even know…” here*.

It was then that I realized that I could have strategized that moment to death.  Right? Like I could have done a ton of research before even showing up that day.  I could have calculated the most efficient way to navigate the terrain.  I could have at least practiced holding onto a rope over an over-stuffed cushion rather than, ya know, the bottom of a freaking waterfall… but honestly, in that moment it wouldn’t have helped because my FEELINGS were the only things I was relying on at that point.  

So, in that moment I came up with the Top 3 Ways to Overcome Fear… and you can apply these to any circumstance… fear at work, fear in relationships, fear in failure, fear in confusion, etc. 

Top 3 Ways to Overcome Fear

1. Choose Joy on Purpose– As I stood at the top of that waterfall it occurred to me that I had chosen joy before we even started.  My friends kept saying “Your face is so full of JOY!” I decided that I was going to have one hell of a time before we even got on the boat (which we took to an army car, which we took to the site that we got our gear, which was where the mules were that brought us to the top of the mountain, which is where the zip line was… haha, it was seriously so fun) and it was JOY that was allowing for me to be fully present in the amazing experience.  Tapping into fear would only negate my initial inclination and decision to have a good time no matter what.  

2. Lean Into In– In order to rappel efficiently, effectively, and safely you have to LEAN WAY BACK.  If you aren’t willing to totally surrender and lean into your fear you will slip, stumble, fall, and make things a lot more difficult for yourself.  Lean into it, friends… lean back!

3. Trust– Seriously.  That’s all.  Trust.  Trust your intuition to be joyful.  Trust the tools you have been given.  Trust the people that are there to support you along the way.  Trust that you are being held and supported… physically, yes, but more importantly- energetically, emotionally, and spiritually as well.  

The next time you are feeling fearful, I encourage you to remember these three tips and apply them.  You can and you will do scary things… and when you get to the bottom of the waterfall I want you to look back up at it and proudly say, “I DID IT!”

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